1. PLAN: Get a notebook and write down your plans; your goals; your wish lists. Keep it simple.
2. DOUBLE UP: Buy double the ingredients of a few meals each week so that you have a "meal in the cupboard" for back-up.
3. SCRATCH: Learn to cook from scratch. I can't say this often enough ... learn to cook from scratch. This could be the difference between starving and not ... commit to stop paying someone else to cook and package meals for you.
4. RELATIONSHIPS: Make it a family effort when possible. Bring your children into the experience. Squash that pride and show up to learn from the "older" women in your family, neighborhood or church. Ask questions, take notes and learn from their mistakes so you don't have to repeat them.
5. TOOLS: Use a basic food storage calculator to figure out the basics of what a human needs to "not starve."
6. MODIFY: Now modify the calculator's results to match what your family EATS. Remember the little things like seasonings and spices that make meals more palatable.

7. FUN: Get on Youtube and Google and teach yourself HOW to do things you don't know how to do. Technology can be such a blessing!
8. GADGETS: Include the simple gadgets you'll need to help you cook your foods.
9. GARDEN/CANNING: You'll be healthier if you can grow gardens & bottle foods. Make every effort to learn how to do this. Not all at once; just work it in.
10. KNOWLEDGE: Be an eager, humble learner. Those who know HOW will survive and thrive!
COMMIT to START where you ARE ... lots of little bits can make a HUGE difference!
"No one is responsible for my choices but me. If I'm unprepared it's because I chose to be." - Robin
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