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Monday, February 4, 2013

Keep your family SAFE - Read Your Labels

Be careful; read labels; buy local and BOTTLE your own!
-- This information was recently sent to me.  I was a bit overwhelmed at first but after checking throughout the internet I am listing all the ones I was able to verify.   Wow - food for thought and ANOTHER good reason to be more persistent in learning how to grow our own foods.  Who would've thought?? 
  • CAREFULLY buy the grocery store bulb garlic making sure it is clearly marked from the USA or Canada. Most everything else is product grown in questionable conditions, with unregulated chemicals & fertilizers.  China is the largest producer of garlic in the world. 
  • HONEY LAUNDERING - Buy only local honey; again, most store honey is being shipped in huge containers from China and re-packaged in the US.   It's difficult if not impossible to find this information on the label.  I'm not making this stuff up!  I know it sounds bizarre; look on the internet and find the articles that talk about this.  It's a good thing we get our's direct from Dutson Honey - the Beekeeper himself in Delta, Utah.
  • Cold-FX is grown and packed in China and has been found to be contaminated with e-coli (fecal bacteria).  If the country of origin is not clearly marked on the box - beware.  Maybe consider learnng how to use more herbal & essential oil remedies where possible.

Watch out for packages which state "prepared for", "packed by" or "imported by".

 The country of origin should be clearly shown on the item. Buy as much as you can from local farmers markets in season and keep a wary eye open the rest of the year.

For example: Common brands; the "Our Family" AND "Festival" brand of mandarin oranges says right on the can it’s from China. Just look at the label - The MORE we purchase from China, the cheaper it becomes for them to ship it all to the US in huge container ships!  

For a few more cents, (literally!) you can buy US brands.  

MAYBE Learning to Fish Would be a Good Idea: 
  • Four-firths of the seafood consumed in the U.S. is imported from 62 different countries.  All "High Liner" and most other frozen fish products come from China or Indonesia. The package may say "pacific salmon" on the front, but look for the small print, usually on the back of the package near the bottom. Most of these products come from fish farms in the orient where there are no regulations on what is fed to these fish. (Recently The Montreal Gazette had an article by the Canadian Government on how Chinese feed the fish: They suspend chicken wire crates over the fish ponds, and the fish feed on chicken poop. 

Them YOU get to eat the fish!) If you search the Internet about what the Chinese feed their fish that they import all over the world, you'll be alarmed at the pictures and the articles.(It’s nauseating reading!)
  • Beware of purchasing any type of fish or shellfish that comes from these countries: Vietnam, China, Philippines. Again, you can find a myriad of articles on this on the internet without having to dig very far! 
    • Beware, LOTS of canned peaches and pears now come from China (both in cans & plastic containers).
    • Steinfeld’s Pickles;  Safeway brands & Nalley's are made in India.
    • Canned mushrooms: No-Name brand comes from Indonesia. 
    • Check those little fruit cups. They used to be made in Canada in the Niagara region until about 2 years ago. They are now packaged in China! Look at the label!

    • 900,000 tubes of Toothpaste made in China recently recalled - contaminated with anti-freeze! 

Read the labels of what you buy! If it says 'Made in China ' or 'PRC' (that now includes Hong Kong ), you may want to consider choosing another product.

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